Reunion News

We will post reunion news as we receive it. Sometimes the "class agents" or whoever is doing the reunion organizing do not let me know. Usually they request a class list or class set of labels for a mailing. If you are receiving a newsletter then your address is updated, if not send it to the Alumni Office @ 120 West Lee St., Louisville, KY 40208, or email information to: .

(Page last updated May 8, 2014)

If you would like to have information posted about an upcoming reunion, drop us a line at

The Class of 1963 Reunion was a big success ... see a group photo here .

The Class of 1953 will be meeting in Pigeon Forge, TN at the Inn on the River on May 18-21. Contact people for more information are Rosetta Walton Harris , and Barrett Short , .

The Class of 1979 will have a reunion/gathering on Saturday, April 26, 2014 at 6:30PM at the Old Spaghetti Factory on Market. Cost is $20/person. For more information contact Sandy Roberts, or Beverly Naser at

The Class of 1954 will hold its 60th REUNION on Sat., Oct. 4, 2014 at Wildwood Country Club. A letter containing all information and a registration form will be mailed out in May. Sandra Callahan, Committee Chairman, can be reached at

The Class of 1994 plans to host its twentieth reunion on July 19, 2014. An open house tour of the school will be held from 2-4 pm and the reunion celebration will be held at The Ali Center in downtown Louisville from 6-11. More details and a link to purchase tickets can be found at

Alumni are encouraged to purchase tickets before June 1 when prices will increase. Guests of alumni are welcome. Questions can be sent to the reunion planning committee at .

The Class of 1964 will hold its 50th Reunion the weekend of Sept. 12-13, 2014

Friday night will feature a game at Manual Stadium between the Crimsons and Pleasure Ridge Park. Saturday a.m. will feature a tour of dear od Manual and a pizza lunch. Saturday p.m. will be the big event at the Starks Building's Atrium. Class President Bill Gilmore is chairing the committee. Please click here to see the initial information letter and a list of missing classmates.

The Class of 1959 will hold its 55-year reunion July 5, 2014 at the Wildwood Country Club. A dinner dance wil be held from 6 - 12 PM. For more information please contact Darlene Yann at (502) 552-2223 or

The Class of 1960 is already making plans for the 55th reunion. We are tentatively looking at Churchill Downs as the venue. Please call (toll-free) or email Klaus York, 877-845-6490,

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My cousin, Frank D. Price, a 1961 grad. who is currently living in Cincinnati is interested in any reunion activitity or contacts from people from the '61 class. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and Beat Male." Stephen Stallard

from Pamela Mix Carroll , Class of 1970 : "I am working on creating a website for each of Manual's graduating classes. I just finished adding the names of the Class of 1952 & 1952 1/2 on the site set up for your class. It's a free site that runs on donations only so there is never a required fee. You can volunteer to be the Administrator and add anything that you want to add. You will find my name in the directory but I will remove it when someone takes over. The way the site is set up, if there is no Administrator then a volunteer has to sign in as a guest and do whatever work needs to be done.

I have only worked on the ones from 1970 backwards but I'm still quite happy to see so many hits. Some class year sites have counters on the website itself. Some don't but if a class doesn't have one their Administrator can add one or just come to this site and see the total hits. Pam is a site to collect contact information and share info, photos and resources for YPAS grads.