Alumni Message Board

The following list consists of email sent to us for your information. To find a particular person or class hit <ctrl> <f> and enter what you are looking for: name, class etc.
Last updated 11/18/2001

If anyone knows anything about any reunions let us know so that the info can be posted on the "Reunion" page.

Ray Stuart , who would have been a member of the Class of 1964, writes to say: "My name is Ray Stuart and I live in Cincinnati Ohio. My first name is Earl and some may remember me as such. I would have been a graduate of the 1964 class but had to leave school early for personal reasons. I am now a successful business man living in Cinti, Ohio. I managed to finish school and go on to college after active duty in the armed forces. I am searching for any and all classmates that may remember me to communicate with. My email address is I look forward to hearing from any and everyone that remembers me. Looking forward to hearing from all of my classmates."

Stephanie Cherry 1997 says: "Hey Class of 1997! Where are you all? :)" Well, Stephanie, keep reading ...

Tina LaShay Johnson, '97 writes: "Hey all it's me TINA-DAWG!! Just wanted to drop a line and say that I miss many of you and hope to see you soon...I live in Atlanta now if you are ever in the area let me know and lets hook up...much love and I hope all is well."

Michael Jump 1997 says: "I am interested in how things have changed since 1992. All is well for me here in Utah. Long live Manual! Put me on your website." (You're there, Michael).

Lisa Ward (now Felicia Prince) 1986 writes: "Looking for any classmates of 1986. Please email me @"

Michel Saunders 1975 ( writes to say: "Would like to get in touch with our reunion committee."

Ranny Sprenger , 1954 ( writes to ask if there is any Class of 1954 website. Please advise us if there is one so we can post the link.

Jerry Shaikun, M.D. ( writes to say: "Hi, read with interest the letter from Mary Jane Mather Hoog regarding her mother and Louisville Girl's High. My mother, Frances (Wasserman) Shaikun graduated from there in 1935, and I graduated from Manual in 1956. We also had a teacher in common for chemistry, Mrs Pauline Stein, who, when asked about it when I first appeared in her class remembered my mother, but seemed none too pleased to be reminded of how long she had been teaching. Enjoy the newsletter and I am thrilled to see how pre-eminent the school has become in both academics and athletics."

Ollie Puckett, 1958 writes to say: "Just wanted to add our names to those attending Manual that got married. My husband David graduated in 1956. We married in November 1958. Had 3 sons and now 5 wonderful grandchildren. Didn't know who I should e-mail this to." (

Frank Garofalo Class of 2004, (, writes: "Sorry guys that I had to move during our sophomore year."

Tara Spence-Averett, 1975 ,, says, "Hi, I would like to hear from anyone graduating from the 1975 class of DuPont Manual High School."

Danny Reed, 1963 ( says, "Any classmates that remember me from orchestra or other classes, drop me an e-mail."

Elizabeth Batton '91 writes from New York: "I am fine. I live in uptown Manhattan, and was home during the attacks. My roommate/ cousin was downtown and saw everything, as did many of my other friends. All of my friends were OK - including Manual grads, such as Katie Allison, Shannon Woolley, Keith Carter, and Trina Fisher. We are all very sad. That day, that WEEK, is impossible to describe. So many things happened. I dare not try to write too much... '

Peggy Reed (Sublett), Class of 1967 , ( had this to say... It will be great to hear from all my friends!

Leonard A. Sewell, 1952, ( reports that he is CEO of Sewell Industrial Electronics, Inc., est. 1975.

Lisa G. Sidebotham, 1992 writes from Manhattan: "In response to the terrorist attack on New York, in the past few days, I have received numerous emails from Manual Alumni wanting to be sure that I am ok. After living in Washington DC for 7 years and living only a few blocks from the Pentagon, I transferred to NYC a year ago and now live in Manhattan. I am grateful to be able to report that I am all right, as are my friends and loved ones. However the situation here is very, very sad. Please keep New York and Washington, DC in your prayers. Many thanks, Lisa"

Linda Greenwell, '67 , writes: In search of anyone from the class of 1967.

I would love to find out information about the Class of 1992's 10 year reunion. I missed the five year and am really looking forward to seeing old friends again. God Bless! Chris Doan

Amanda Britana Ratcliffe (Irwin), 1975 says, "Hello class of '75'. I look foward to hearing from any of you."

Gordon Beck, 1978 says, Just retired from the Army after 20 yrs. Now a student in Paralegal school. Both of my kids are attending Kansas University in Lawrence, KS.

Jeremy DeBauche, 1995 , says: I hope everyone from the class of '95 is doing excellent! Just interested to see how all your lives are turning out because I know my life now is nothing like I thought it would be, six long years ago. Send me an e-mail ( and let's catch up!

Kelly Huck, 1985 says: Looking forward to any upcoming reunion. Getting married in October to high school sweetheart and fellow alum. Jim Lehman.


Sheryl Ranney says: Hello to all the graduates of dear old Manual especially those from 1965. There are several of us that get together about once every three months and we would love to have you join us. If you are interested you may contact me at Please indicate on the "Subject" portion of the e-mail that you are from the duPont Manual High School class of 65 and I will be happy to let you know when and where we are going to meet. I also have a picture of the ones of us that got together in June of 2001 if you would like for me to e-mail it to you.

Edna Hulette Sinnock (1964) or - I'm still living in the Louisville area and have many fond memories of attending Manual and Southern Jr. High School. Over the years, I've worked at Belknap, Inc, Glenmore Distilleries and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) national offices. It was wonderful seeing so many friends at the October 2000 multi-class reunion (thanks to those responsible for putting that event together) and I've enjoyed corresponding with many of them since that time. I look forward to hearing from other friends and school mates.

Cathy Hurst 2001( says: I will be starting school at the University of Kentucky in fall 2001. Good luck to all my classmates in college!

Kelly Anderson, Class of 1986, says: Howdy! I've submitted information before to be added to the internet directory/email listing, but it has never shown up on the site. I'd also like to receive information to join Manual's Alumni association if possible. Email: Personal: Married to former Pamela Ruth Wheeler (now Pamela Anderson!) on 7/29/89. (Pam is a Male High 1984 grad) Two children, Jared Daniel born 9/22/94, and Luke Philip born 6/05/00. I received my CPCU Designation from the American Institute for Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters in 2000, and I am the Manager of Agency for Kentucky Farm Bureau. Thanks, Kel

Adrian Sims ('81) says: I am interested in talking to my old class mates. I live in Atlanta,GA. I am hopeful that we are able to have a 20 year class reunion.

Sheryl (Johnson) Ranney ( had this to say... The class of '65 have quartely get togethers. If you are interested, you can contact me. We are having a great time and would love to have any classmates join us.

Russ Williams writes in to say: I didn't graduate from Manual. We moved to Bowling Green after my sophmore year. I still consider Manual my school. Hope a few people out there remember me. E-mali me at . Would have been in class of 57., Class: 1997 (Nicole Woodmore) had this to say: "HEY, EVERYONE....I'M GETTING MARRIED IN SEPTEMBER!!!! IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN DANCE, VOCAL, THEATER, WEDDING CONSULTATIONS, DANCE COMPANY, ETC...CALL ME AT CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS MUSIC AND DANCE STUDIO/ 502-968-7444/ OFF PRESTON HWY."

Trying to see if any one out there is interested in puting together the 25 year reunion with me (1981). You can email me at My name in school was Liddy Cleary . I'm married now and my new name is Liddy Diakite. Husband is Moussa, two kids Jesica 16 and Perry 12. ( Andrew Lanning, now living in Honolulu, HI ) had this to say...Aloha:) had this to say...Please let me know of any reunions planned for the classes of 66 or 67. 1966 (Linda Lally (Squires)) had this to say... I have been working at Bellarmine University for the past 15 years. I'm married to a retired PGA golf professional. We have 8 wonderful grandchildren. Hope to hear from some of my classmates. 1981 ( Helen Schumacher Orr ) had this to say...I attended Manual/YPAS in 1979-80 and 1980-81. Interested in hearing from anyone who remembers me. 1998 (Kristin Smith (Dowell) ) had this to say...Hey everybody. I know it's weird, but I got married. I'm very happy and living in Florida. E-mail me if you want to keep in touch.

My name is Susan Schroeder and I just graduated last May and I wanted to send my thoughts and prayers to the families of Kate Torp and Matt Falk . They graduated with me and about 480 classmates. We love you and always will. Class: 1997 (Bobby L. Plienis) had this to say...This site is great, I would love to hear from anyone, hope all is well!

( Edgar Richards ) Class: 54 had this to say... Haven't maintained contact with many of the friends I made at Manual but would be especially happy to hear from any.

( Maureen Wise Harrod ) had this to say... juniesdaughter@webtv.comClass: 65 Would like to hear from anyone in the classes from 63 thru 65

To friends and family: this is Deborah Trowell Hornbuckle . duPont Manual class of " 74 " I have a new email address it is , if this ones fails try me at I'll get your message at one or the other! Hope to hear from you all soon!

( Sharon Gregory (Simms) ) 1996 had this to say... If anyone knows how to get a hold of Sherry Sanders, Rodney Borders,or Leslie Myers please let me know! Looking forward to seeing everyone when i get back to Louisville! 1964 ( JIM (Ronnie) Hodge ) had this to say...
Hi Folks , Looking for " Momma's Boys" . Does anyone have a 1964 mens class ring they would part with ? Mine was stolen 36 years ago in the Air Force and I still miss it ! GO BIG RED !!! 1956 ( John A. Potts ) had this to say...
Just found the site. So happy to see all these photos and bring up all those memories. Anybody else out there who was in the best band in the land?

Looking for classmates from 1980 . Terrie (Combest) Dalton 1960 (David L. Frantz) had this to say...
I graduated from U 0f L in 1965 with a Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering and in 1968 from Drexel University with a Masters in Mechanical Engineering. I recently retired fron the DuPont Company after a 35 year career in the central engineering department. I greatly appreciate my training in machine shop and drafting I received at Manual. 1982 (Sir Charles Murphy) had this to say...Just looking for old classmates.
#66 Charles Murphy 1984 Cynthia (Caswell) Mullaly had this to say...Email me!

Hello, My name is Paul Young class of 2001 . I am puting together a documentary/ instructional video for the Crimson Record . If you have any names of past writers who still live in the Kentuckiana area I would like to meet them for interviews. Send any names to my e-mail or to Manual in either my or Dr. Morehead's name. Thank you. Class: 1992Anna White O'Keeffe had this to say... I attended Manual in 1989-1990 as a sophomore, and would have graduated in 1992. Unfortunately, we moved at the end of the year. Would love to hear from any friends!

Class: 1995
( Victoria E. Cope ) had this to say...This is to Katie, Ryan, Amy, Sarah, Jess, Marissa, Keri, and anyone else I may not have mentioned, remember our meeting place? Email me girls! Just want to know how everyone is doing. It seems we all went our separate ways. Love you all, Vic

Anyone who cares and would like to email me: OR, ANYONE HAVE ANY NEWS OF A "CLASS OF ' 1971 " 30TH YEAR REUNION? Feel free to call me if you want at 407-321-4991 (ORLANDO, FL). EDDIE SUTTLE

I was delighted to see and hear the duPont Manual Chorus perform at the presidential inauguration. They put on a wonderful performance under clearly difficult circumstances. My sincere congratulations to all who participated as well as those who made the appearance possible. I'm sure all Manual alumni share their pride in a job well done. Splendid
performance. Myrle Langley 1954 1981 ( Rowan Fairbairn Bais ) had this to say...Hello to the class of 1981! Unfortunately, it's been years since I've heard or spoken to anyone. I've lived in Europe for almost 10 years and am a little out of the picture. Would love to hear from you. Ciao, Rowan



From a former president of the junior class ( 1986 ) Jon Fenian at a time of turmoil (magnetization), greetings. I feel that I am a direct throwback to the excessive days of the use of the bus, so please forgive me, but I would have NOT have had it any other way. I would like to open this forum to all of MY fellow students... so where have we gone? We had much and mega promise in the main stairwell of the 'Yo as I recall. Where did our energy go? I recall the buzz in the early mornniing so many days... PLEASE TELL ME WE HAVE SAAVED THE WORLD!!!!! nah, I remain, and so shall we.. 1989 ( John Elbert ) currently in the air force. stationed at fort leonard wood as an instructor for heavy equipment operators. would like to hear from alumni. Class: 1972 ( Mike Beavers ) had this to say...I'm not sure if anybody remembers me but if someone does, send me a e-mail. I don't run across any of my old school mates. Mike Beavers
Class: 1997 ( Tricia Joy Johnson ) had this to say..
I'm so glad to find this site and would love to hear from anyone!

My name is Jim Lehman. Class of "85. I have lost contact with a class mate of mine named Kelly Huck. Would you happen to know how I might get in touch with her? Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Jim Lehman (407)228-0667 Class of " 85

Hello Class 0f 86. If Any wold like to chat about or knows were anyone from our class is please let me know. I would like to hearfrom people that I went to school with.
E-mail me at Patrick "Rollo" Cleary Class of 1986

My name is Donna Jones Adkisson and I have been successful in locating Mrs. Virginia Williams, who was an English teacher there from 1964-1966, and was thought of very highly by many of her students who have expressed an interest in locating her. Here is her information for
those who are interested:
Mrs. Virginia Williams
4630 Brighton Lake Drive
Cumming, GA 30040
e-mail address:
Mrs. Williams has expressed a real desire to hear from all those students interested in contacting her. She even said she would be willing to come to Louisville for a reunion with any of her students
interested. If you are interested, please contact her or your may contact me at You may also call me at my home here in Louisville. The number is 502-937-5008. I hope to hear from anyonewho would be interested in getting together with Mrs. Williams.

Hello, for those of you who graduated in 1983 I would like to hear how you
all are doing. You might remember me as Tracy Sermon .

Greetings, I graduated in 1960 and spent 16 years in the country of Haiti as a missionary with my husband, Wilbern, and three daughters; Annessa, Alicia and Andrea (who was born in Haiti). Somewhere I lost my 1960 year book. I would be interested if anyone knows of a way to obtain one once again. I am now working as a registered nurse at Jewish Heart and Lung Building and live in Georgetown with my husband, Wilbern.(FYI...we celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary this month).
Have a wonderful day, Janet Elaine Wright Wilson

Does anyone know if a 5 year reunion is in the planning for the class of 1995?
If so, please let me know.
Aaron Polsgrove, 706-562-8884. . Thanks.

I am trying to get in contact with anyone in the sight saving class that was in one of the "portables." I was supposed to graduated in 1965 but my stepfather got transfered while I was in the eleventh grade.
Denny Basham

Are there any plans for the class of 1991 to have a 10 year reunion next
year? Let me know if anyone has shown interest or if you have heard
anything. I'd love to help.
Laura (Worman) Bowling
Class of 1991

We are beginning the planning stages for the Class of 1982 's 20 year reunion.
We really can't be that old but if you are able, and willing, to be on the
committee, please e-mail
Doris Young Sims at or Lynette
Porter Korfhage at

Please add my name to the Alumni E-mail list. I graduated from Manual in 1966 . I've been living in Carol Stream, IL for the last 16 years but still visit Louisville a couple of times each year. I've been married for 28 years and have two daughters, 25 & 22. Our oldest daughter is married and our first grandchild is due in October. I would certainly love to hear from any old classmates.
Best regards,
Rod Logsdon

Does anyone have information on whether the class of 1965 is doing anything
about a 35th reunion this summer? We've had them regularly since we
graduated. I can't believe that we would miss the opportunity of having one
in 2000!
Lonnie (Durham) Hess

Phil Bohrman class of 51
Sheila and I will be coming to Louisville in late June for a Campbell Family reunion. The school will probably be closed, so we won't be able to walk the halls. After graduation in 1951, we married in 1954, I received a Civil Engineering degree in 1956 from Speed Scientific School (U of L), we moved to Baltimore in 1956 where I worked for The Glenn L. Martin Co. for
two years in thier static test department. In October 1958 I began working for The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company in Baltimore. In January 1999, after 40-plus years, I retired at age 65-years. In that time, we spent a year in Atlanta, GA and 13-years in Memphis, TN, and the balance of time has been spent in the Baltimore Area.
My major emphasis has been in project management, but including all aspects of general contracting, quality control, etc. (See My greatest thrill has been passing on to the new engineers what I was taught over the 40-years. Sheila and I have three sons: A, B and C: Andy is married and lives with his wife, Stephanie and two teenage sons, north of Memphis in Atoka, TN. Byron is married and lives with his wife, Carol and two daughters (twelve and three), east of Nashville in Lebanon, TN. Chris is married and lives with his wife DeAnn in Joppatowne, near us innortheast Baltimore. Chris is completing five years with Whiting-Turner this year.
Sheila has taught Bible in the private school sector, designing the curricula herself. She has worked for the church as Director of Christian Education. She has been a bank teller, a quality control inspector at Reynolds Metals, and she has organized a Community Bible Study group in
Baltimore. She teaches Sunday School; been doing that most of our married life. I continue to sing in the church choir and to be involved in churchwork, too. I really didn't mean to rattle on so much. Feel free to toss all of this letter or to pass on any small tid bits after you've edited it.
Sheila's E-mail address:
My E-mail address:
Thanks for reading,
Phil Bohrman class of 51
424 Larkspur Drive
Joppa, MD 21085-4336

Joe Wilson class of 81 here. Just wanted to let all the fellow Crimsons know that on February 12, my wife gave birth to a 6lb. 6oz. baby girl . Her name is Trinity Michele . Both mom and baby are doing well. And Trinity will definitely attend Manual when she's old enough!

I would like to contact Pat Roberts. There were 2 people in the Class of 1963 by that name, and she is Patricia Anne Roberts. She was on the newspaper staff and in the Drama Club. We were good friends, but her family moved to Florida shortly after graduation. I would also like to hear from other friends. I am nearing retirement from JCPS - a fourth grade teacher at Carter Traditional Elementary School. My husband, Hank, retired in 1995 from JCPS as principal at Churchill Park School. Some of you may know him as he attended Rutherford Elem. and Gottchalk Jr. Hi. We have 3 daughters, 2 of whom are attending WKU as we both did. Best Wishes to All! This site is wonderful and I look forward to receiving my newsletter, too. Sincerely,
Linda Mahurin Swart, Class of l963
email -

Please add my name to the e-mail list. Thomas T. Zollinger, 1963:
B.S. 1969, Murray State: J.D. 1972, University of Wyoming. I've been in Wyoming for over 30 years now. Never made enough money to go back home, I guess. I lived in Rock Springs for 17 years where I was elected County Attorney and spent my Keogh plan running for Secretary of State several years ago. I now live in Wright, WY. a town smaller than Manual. I spent a year in St Croix, USVI as supervising attorney in the Office of the Territorial Public Defender. Anothe year was spent in Deadwood SD where I was Director of a public defender program.

I am on my 2d marriage to Anne Z and I have two terrific stepdaughters. They both play a good game of basketball and are excellent skiers. I love to hear news about south Louisville, Manual and familiar names. Thank You. Tom Zollinger

I just recently discovered this web page and would like to contact alumni of
1937 or therabouts classes. I am receiving the newsletter put out by Joe
Hutt and have found it to be very interesting. Ernie Witten

Sorry I missed the 25th reunion, but I was suffering from the empty nest snydrone, my last son at home left for the military on Oct. 18th, so the reunion weekend was the last chance I had to spend with him before he left. Unike some parents, I don't feel like my life is finally mine to do anything I want, I feel like my life is over, I spent the last 25 years, being deicated to my kids, seeing them
through college and becoming productive, responsible citizens. Now I'm trying to find a business of my own to open, I've racked my brain to death, any suggestions? I have a few good ideas, but sill haven't made any final choices. Anybody out there with Mable King (Bradley, class of 74) email or home address, please email it to me, she was at the 25th reunion & sent me a Xmas card, saying she missed me there, which I thought was really nice and which I kept to respone to, it was from somewhere in OH, but I threw the envelope away, because I thought It was the same address she gave me from our 20th reunion, but I found at too late it wasn't, I'd appreaciate a respone from anyone who has the infor or anyone that would just like to touch base. My E-mail address is Hope to hear from someone soon.

I´m looking for a relative, daughter of professor Hemdahl, presumably with the name Ann Hemdahl, probably married Owen. She and I are second cousins, I think!

Could you help me find her emailadress on your site - I havn't succeded as you understand by this document!?
Thank's in advance,
C-G Arvidsson

Mike Mills (c/o 1960) is looking for Jimmy Church (c/o 1961). Mike joined the Marines and Jimmy joined the Navy in 1961, and Mike wants to know if Jimmy made it back.


Jim Catinna '55 and Vicky Alexander Catinna "60 have been married 39 years. They have four children and five grandchildren. Jim Catinna,Jr and wife Connie-Sydney, Mitch and Matt live in Louisville. Debbie Allen and husband Jim live in Red Lodge, Montana. Jennifer Britt and husband Dennis - Ethan live in Louisville. Emily Castillo and husband Erich - Brandon live
in Lexington. Jim was a counselor at Manual from 1970-1977 and he retired from Jefferson County Public Schools in 1989. Vicky was employed at the Old Baptist Hospital, Christian Academy of Louisville and Southeast Christian
Church. Jim and Vicky are involved with grandchildren, family, friends and activities at Southeast Christian Church.

Thanks .

Robert Nelson Boyles passed away May 28,1999 in Mt. Ida, Arkanas.His wife Doris Savchick Boyles, and four wonderful children ask me to relay this information to this web site. Nelson's life style is a legacy to family and friends that will never be forgotten. This is a tribute to a educational experience at du Pont Manual High School. He was a wonderful person!!! We loved him dearly!!
Nancy Savchick Herrick
Class 1954

Hi Guys! Glad to see the site up.
Veloris (Sonny) Marshall III, President, Marshall Associates, Inc. a broadband satellite services (video and IP multicasting) firm located in Sterling, Virginia. I retired from the USAF (Lt Col) after 21 years in 1991. Divorced dad with two girls 15 and 13 that keep me young! I will be at the Class Reunion in 2000! Any info on it yet?
Sonny Marshall
Class of 1965

Hi, I am so glad you start this web site. I graduated in 1965 and have wanted to be able to keep up with some of my classmates. Hopefully this will help in doing so. If anyone remembers me, they can reach me on E-mail. Thank you again for setting this web site up.
Andrea Bauer Brockwell '65

Hey everybody-
I finally got the new website set up. With 26% new content, it's a must-see!
The url is
Take care,
Louis H. Stone, CPA Class of 1991

My name is Jerry Harp, and I met Sharon Green in 1966. She was a student at Manual, and I had just graduated from Oldham Co. High.We lost contact after a couple of months, and now it has been 33 years since I last saw her. If the Manual Web site can help me locate her I will certainly be thankful.
Thanks again,

I am looking for any class of "56" that served in Vietnam. I flew on Air Force gunships.
I would like to hear from anyone from my class. I really liked the Alumni Directory. It was great to read about my old classmates. I also was surprised at the number of my classmates who are deceased.
My Email address is
Larry Cotton
Class of "56"

I just wanted to pass along that my twin sister Carol (Walker) Locke '54 passed away Monday June 21st after a long bout with Liver Cancer.
Darol Walker "54
Bobby L. Masden
Class of 1954

Hi to everyone, but especially to the class of 1996! My name is Katie Masden, and just thought that I'd come on by the alumni web page and do some perusing. I'm living in Lexington most of the time as I pursue a B.A. in French at UK, but I do pop into Louisville every couple of weekends to visit friends and family, etc.
If you'd like to get a hold of me, the best way would be to email me, since
I tend to go back and forth quite a bit. My address is (wasn't listed in the new directory). I love getting email, so any responses would be welcome! I'd love to hear what's happening with my old
classmates. God bless you all! :-)

Hello everybody!
My name is Karen Sinclair Sublett. I was a graduate of 1974 and would like ot know if there is any information regarding a reunion for the greatest class that ever graduated from the greatest school of all time!?!?!
Has it really been 25 years??
I would really appreciate it if someone could send me an e-mail message about an upcoming reunion. My e-mail addy is
I hope to see my former classmates really soon!!

My name is Susie (Weir) Bryant and I am interested in hearing from anyone who was in the class of '73, especially Rhonda Woodcox and Debbie O'Neal.
I have been married to Danny Bryant for 24 years and we have 2 children.
Our daughter Susan is 19 and son Danny, Jr. is 15. I have worked in the
Christian Activities Building at Walnut Street Baptist Church for almost
18 years. I have lost contact with everyone except Donna (White)
Bonham. If anyone would like to e-mail me, my address is:

Looking forward to hearing from members of class of '73.

Gaynel Howlett Royse, class of 1961. I've retired from teaching after 30
years and moved with my husband to Bay Harbor Islands, Florida. I would love
to hear from any of my classmates.
e-mail address:


Hi I'm Thurman Powell, my only claim to fame. I designed the art work for our class annual 1942,1/2. Please include my e-mail address ( ) to the alumni board.

Clarence B. Diersing, Jr.
Class of 1948
WEB Page ####

I'm Joe Wilson, an alumnist from the class of 1981, and also a proud member
of a DuPont Manual football team that NEVER lost to Male High! (Formerely
known as "that school at Brook & Breck") Please post my email address onto
the school's alumni web page so that I may try to locate fellow members of my
class, other former football players, and anyone else who has Manual roots!
I've got alot of catching up to do as I haven't seen anyone from my class in
quite some time! I know they're out there somewhere. Thanks for your time
and keep up the great work on the website. I love it!

Joe Wilson
"Crimson 4 Life"!

Diane Wilkerson VanCleave
Class of 1974

Darrell Rhodes
Class of 1989

John H. Kuhn '59 Vice President of sales & Marketing for Aero Rubbber
company. Married to Bobbi for 29 wonderful years.We have 4 children and
4 grandchildren.Having spent 30yrs in the rubber industry,and a greater
nunber of years serving the Lord.We consider this above all our greatest
Joy.(6921 Lexington ct.,Tinley Park,IL. 60477


Kelly Starner Hall
Class of 1982

I received my first Manual alumni newsletter today. This is great!
Unfortunately due to bad address info I missed the first nine issues.

As a 1982 graduate I have been reminded of many wonderful Manual memories.
I was very involved in Manual and it's many traditions, and have great
devotion to those memories. As I have read each article I am not sure which
one to comment upon first.

As a former Miss Manual, cheerleader, student council president, etc, my
history with Manual brings me many positive and rich memories. I have so
many stories surrounding the Male/Manual football games, The last T-day game
was played my Junior year.

My Husband, Tommy Hall `82 and I are a proud "Crimson couple." We can't
wait to share our Manual memories with our two children, Taylor (five), and
Janelle (9 months).

I am currently Director of Internet Development for Baptist Healthcare
System. Tommy is a Product Manager for E&H Electric. Tommy attended Murray
State University, and I graduated with a B.A. & M.A. from the University of
Louisville and Webster University respectively. We have been married for
ten years and have two wonderful children.

I have lot's of pictures and other memorabilia, and many great stories to
tell. One of the best is when Male students stole our band's banner right
before the Male/Manual game 1981 and my fellow cheerleading team members and
myself had to fight to near death to get it back. Wow, what a story. To
top it all off, this all happened on game night (yes night, the first
non-T-day game was October 31, Halloween night). I could go on and on...

Also, Congratulations to Preston Gray for his induction to the Hall of Fame.
My husband and I knew Preston well when we were at Manual, he is a wonderful

Tommy's favorite teacher by far was Ms. Stewart. He has raved over the
years how wonderful of a math teacher she is, and how much he gained from
her. I am kind of partial to Mr. Bullock. He acted out history events in a
way that made them entertaining as well as educational. THANKS to both!

Thanks for a great newsletter and a wonderful web-site! I look forward to
the opportunity to tell many great stories about Manual in the future.

Patricia (Pickerell) Best
Class of 1984

Ann Weirich (Eichele)
Class of 1955

Jami Taylor
Class of 19??

Linda Swango Hoffman
Class of 1965

Judy (Stevens) Dennis
Class of 1979

Norman Wade 1955 Norman F. Wade 224 N. Watkins St. Memphis, TN 38104-7106
Phone: (901) 725-1441